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Seeing Light and Color with Michael Ryan

Seeing Light and Color

with Michael Ryan

Welcome to a transformative artistic retreat at Château de Borie, nestled in the heart of the enchanting Southwest of France. This workshop is designed to deepen your perception of reality and enhance your creative expression in an inspiring and serene setting. Join us for a week of artistic exploration, community building, and immersion in the beauty and culture of this historic château.

Retreat Overview

This retreat invites you to observe reality with an empty mind—free from the past, preconceived notions, and formulas. Only then can we view the world before us with sensitivity and excitement. Our focus will be on seeing light and color in their purest forms and translating these perceptions into beautiful compositions.

We begin each workday with a short walking meditation to help quiet our busy minds, allowing us to be more attentive to the moment and the world before us.

Workshop Details

Seeing Light and Color During our workshop, Michael will help you to SEE light and color and to compose it beautifully and honestly on your surface. We will focus on the figure in the landscape to help you break down and dispense with the needless projection of labels onto the subject matter. So, no “trees,” “grass,” “lips,” “flowers,” “eyes,” or “legs.” We will learn to see what is actually there before us, to look the way a young child with little vocabulary might, to see colored forms in relationship with other colored forms.

Introduction to Pastels For those not familiar with pastel, I will discuss the medium and show its possibilities as well as its limitations. You'll have the chance to explore pastels in a hands-on setting, creating your own works of art.

Drawing inspiration from the American painter and teacher Charles Hawthorne (1873-1938), we will embrace his philosophy: 

“Have the courage to set down the colors you see. Working outdoors your eye will be brought up to color-it has the effect of shaking off the shackles of your mind, showing you that you can do anything you please, making you dare.”

Who should come?

This retreat is for beginners and advanced artists alike. It is for the artist who would like to deepen their understanding of light and color and how to harness the power of the incredible medium of pastels.

A list of materials and other information will be provided.

The Magic of Château de Borie

Château de Borie is not just a beautiful estate; it’s a place where history, culture, and community come together in perfect harmony. Over the past few years, many of you have followed Abby’s journey on YouTube, witnessing the transformation of this historic château. From renovating rooms to treasure hunting at local brocantes and savoring exquisite wines, her journey has been nothing short of magical. Now, she’s thrilled to open the doors of Château de Borie to you, offering a unique and immersive experience that captures the essence of life in Southwest France.

Creating Community and Lasting Connections

One of the most rewarding aspects of this retreat is the sense of camaraderie and community that naturally develops among participants. Sharing meals, stories, and experiences in the enchanting setting of Château de Borie fosters deep connections and lasting friendships. Our evening apéros and dinners are perfect opportunities to unwind, share laughter, and reflect on the day’s adventures.

Join us for the Creative Retreat at Château de Borie 2025 and embark on a journey of artistic discovery and personal growth. Book your spot today and immerse yourself in the enchanting beauty of Southwest France.

About Michael Ryan

Michael Ryan is an American artist currently based in the Netherlands. In 2000 he was granted permanent residency status based on his importance to the culture of The Netherlands. He has exhibited nationally, as well as in Russia, France, and the United States. His artistic expression is influenced by being in the moment, and the act of paying attention. Ryan is especially inspired by what he observes around him. Primarily working with oils, pastels, and watercolors, he is fascinated by light, color, and the relationship formed between colors. His bold pieces are painted on metal or linen.

Michael Ryan studied Fine Art at the Memphis Academy of Art, as well as with the National Academy of Design and the Art Students League, both in New York. He currently lives and works in the center of Amsterdam.

Michael finds his inspiration in landscapes, cities and the figure. His extensive travels are a constant source of creative stimulation, always with a sketchbook in hand to record a sudden visual observation or an emotional insight with text.

Michael Ryan is currently represented by Gallery De Twee Pauwen in The Hague. Among his many exhibitions he has had solo shows at the Borzo Gallery, Amsterdam; Montgomery Gallery, San Francisco; and Dillon Gallery in Soho and in Chelsea, New York. In addition his works have been presented in the Grand Palais, Paris during the FIAC, the Armory Show in New York, and multiple times at the TEFAF in Maastricht.

The Details


Below is a list of the accommodations. Make your room choice and then click the “Pay Deposit” button below and choose your selected room from the dropdown. If it doesn’t appear, it is no longer available.

Common Areas

You will have access to all amenities: a large, shared living room (Grand Salon), kitchen and dining room, garden, and terraces, with reading nooks and seating, and a wooded trail. There is WiFi throughout the Chateau, and laundry services are available.


  • The Chateau de Borie is multi-leveled, with no bedrooms on the ground floor. ​Good physical mobility is required for this adventure, as the Chateau has one or two sets of stairwells depending on the room you choose, and we will be on foot on the cobbled streets around France. The physical ability to walk unassisted and stand for extended periods is necessary for this retreat.

  • Because of the proximity of the cliffs and the 7 springs on the property, mosquitos are an issue. Bug spray is highly recommended.

  • Chloe, Abby’s Boston Terrier will be in attendance. If you have any issues with small dogs, you might want to consider this before booking.


A deposit of €1000 is required to hold your spot. The balance must be paid in full by March 1, 2025.  

Included in the price:

  • Pick up/drop off at Agen train station

  • Welcome champagne

  • All meals and wine except for lunches during excursions

  • Transportation to/from all excursions

  • Entry fees for all excursions

  • Market visit and cooking class

  • Dinner at a restaurant near the Chateau de Borie

Not included:

  • Airfare, train fare

  • Meals outside the villa except for the restaurant dinner.

  • Art Supplies. PDF of Materials List.

Refund Policy

  • The €1000 deposit is non-refundable after March 1, 2025.

  • All rooms are to be paid for in full by March 1, 2025.

  • If you need to cancel between March 1, and May 1st, 2025 we will offer your spot to people on the waiting list and refund 100% of your payment if we can fill your spot. If we cannot fill your spot, we will refund 50% of your balance payment (minus the deposit) or you can transfer your paid fees to another retreat offered within 12 months.

  • The are no refunds for cancellations after May 1st, 2025.

  • Participant expenses incurred in preparation for the trip (e.g., non-refundable purchased airline tickets) are not the responsibility of the retreat organizers. You should obtain medical/trip cancellation insurance for this reason.


Arrivals: Saturday June 21st, 2025 before 4 pm

Retreat/workshops: Sunday, June 22nd to Friday, June 27th

Departures: Saturday, June 28th before noon.

  • Class participants are responsible for their own flights and travel to Agen. The closest international airports are Toulouse and Bordeaux, France. It is an hour's train ride to Agen from both cities. You can also fly to Paris and take a 3-hour TGV train from Montparnasse station in Paris to Agen (via Bordeaux).

  • It is recommended that you purchase your train tickets ahead of time, as trains do fill up. We recommend using or to book your connections.

  • You are welcome to rent a car at the airport, though we will be providing transportation for the various excursions, so unless you want to get out on your own, it is unnecessary.

  • We offer pick-ups and drop-offs from the Agen train station to/from Chateau de Borie.

NOTE: To arrive at the villa on Saturday, June 21st requires a flight departure from North America on Friday, June 20th.

To secure your spot for this retreat, a €1000 deposit is required. A link to the balance payment will be emailed after the deposit has been paid. Please select your chosen room when purchasing the deposit.

More information about excursions and further details about the week will be added as they are planned. We look forward to having you join us for this very special week at Chateau de Borie!

May 18

Sparkle Week

July 12

Chateau Life with Abby