Chateau Chronicles, French Chateau Abigail Carter Chateau Chronicles, French Chateau Abigail Carter

The Chateau Chronicles – First Night

The first night, I still had no electricity. Luckily, knowing this, I bought a cheap Bluetooth speaker that doubled as a lantern, so it came with me everywhere as it got dark. I had bought a small wine fridge to bide me until my fridge arrived and Wendy and I set that up as a kind of cooler. It reached over 40 degrees (103 F) every day, so it wasn’t of much use, but it was something.

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French Chateau, Chateau Chronicles Abigail Carter French Chateau, Chateau Chronicles Abigail Carter

Chateau Chronicles – Option B

I must thank you all for your comments on my last post, though based on the poll, not one of you selected option A to tell me this whole plan was just this side of the worst financial decision I could possibly make in my lifetime. Instead (selfishly perhaps?), almost everyone who answered the poll selected B (plan a trip to visit) or D (buy in Tuscany).

And so, I have taken your advice and gone with option B! Next week, I fly to France!

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